We are happy to share the results of the call announced on October 15, 2024, for a research scholarship in the project titled: “Identification of angiogenesis markers and metabolic markers in endometriosis and its associated epithelial ovarian cancer using photoacoustic imaging and data exploration (ENDOVO),” which received funding from the POLONEZ BIS 3 program of the National Science Centre in the amount of 1,208,983.00 PLN for the years 2023-2025. The project is led by Dr. Monika Golińska (Department of Biostatistics and Translational Medicine).

As a result of the call, funded under NCN project no. UMO-2022/47/P/NZ5/02484, the Selection Committee appointed by the project leader, selected the awardee, Ms. Maria Wołyniak. Congratulations!

Results of call for a research scholarship in the ENDOVO project funded under the POLONEZ BIS 3 program of the National Science Centre
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