Przemysław Kucharski
PhD student, graduate of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science and Automation of the Lodz University of Technology (2016). During his studies he did internships at Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) and at KEDGE Business School (Bordeaux, France). He participated in projects in the field of innovative applications of information technology and human-computer interaction, in particular using artificial intelligence methods. Author of several articles and papers at international conferences. Winner of awards and scholarships, including the Scholarship of the Marshal of the Lodz Voivodship and the Scholarship of the Lodz University of Technology Foundation. His engineering thesis received a distinction in the TT High Tech competition and 1st place in the competition organized by the Łódź branch of the Association for Computing Machinery. As part of his work at the Department of Biostatistics and Translational Medicine, he is involved, among others, in the project "Predictive Biomarkers of Radiation Toxicity (PBRTox)".