Beata Małachowska
She graduated from Medical Faculty (Medical University of Lodz), Post-graduate School of Molecular Medicine (Medical University of Warsaw) and Post-graduate Course in Biostatistics (Medical University of Lodz). Since 2015, she is a PhD student in the Department of Biostastistcs and Translational Medicine and her PhD thesis is entitiled Metabolomic profiling of acute diabetes complications among children with type 1 diabetes.
Her scientific work started in 2011 in Polish Registry for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes headed by prof. Wojciech Młynarski. Currently, she is a principal investigator of PRELUDIUM grant and grant funded by Diabetes Poland Association. Additionally, as a data scientists she participates in numerous external projects including those for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Harvard Medical School). She is an author/co-author of more than 35 publications indexed in Medline including ones in prestigious Science Translational Medicine and Nature Comunications. After graduation, in 2014, she received i.a. Polish student Nobel Prize at Medical Sciences, then in 2017, Scholarship of the Polpharma Scientific Foudation together with ISPAD-JDRF Research Fellowship, in 2018, L'Oreal_UNESCO for Women in Science Poland, and in 2019, START – Scholarship from Foundation for Polish Science.