On May 10, 2024, two of our scientists, Zuzanna Nowicka, M.D., and Arkadiusz Michalak, M.D., received START scholarships.

The START program of the Foundation for Polish Science is the largest scholarship program in Poland for the best young scientists representing all fields of science. Its purpose is to support outstanding young scientists and encourage them to pursue their scientific development.

Among the 641 candidates that have joined this year’s edition of the competition, only 100 have been awarded with scholarships. The winners have joined the group of over 3,500 previous scholarship holders who have received the START scholarship during the 31  years of the program implementation.

Zuzanna Nowicka, M.D., graduated the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Lodz (2020), currently PhD student in the framework of the project “Comprehensive characterization of changes in the immune context of a tumor induced by cytotoxic drugs in non-small cell lung cancer” funded by the National Science Center (PRELUDIUM BIS 2 research grant, supervisor: professor Wojciech Fendler). Co-author of articles in the field of radiotherapy, biomarker research and the studies of sensitivity of biological systems to the effects of ionizing radiation. She developed her analytical skills during an internship at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (IMAXT project), where she analyzed data from single-cell sequencing.

Arkadiusz Michalak, M.D., graduated from Medical University of Lodz (2019), currently a PhD student in the Department of Pediatrics, Diabetology, Endocrinology and Nephrology (PhD supervisor: prof. Agnieszka Szadkowska, MD, PhD). He also completed post-graduate studies in biostatistics in Medical University of Lodz (2020) and is currently employed in Clinical Trial Unit of this University. He closely cooperates with the Department of Biostatistics and Translational Medicine on interdisciplinary projects concerning pediatrics, diabetology and genetics. Moreover, he participates in planning clinical trials, performs power and sample analyses and prepares necessary regulatory documentation. His main scientific achievements include publications in top journals in the area of pediatric diabetology: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Pediatric Diabetes, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics. Currently, he participates in the clinical trial LAMAinDiab supported by a grant from the Polish Medical Research Agency.

Read more here: https://www.fnp.org.pl/laureaci-start-2024/ and https://www.fnp.org.pl/konkurs-start-2024-rozstrzygniety/

We’ve received 2 START scholarships!
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